Barcelona, Spain – AWACS Tactical Simulator is a hard game. We have created a tough tactical simulation where you can control your aircraft in different areas of the world. But beforel 2.03 there was an advantage for you: AEW/AWACS airplanes. You need to control where the enemy is, and you need to react quickly to their movements. And that’s the reason for the name AWACS Tactical Simulator: the AEW/AWACS are the key to defeat the enemy.

New features:

Price: new price for this version. Now is easier to enjoy AWACS Tactical Simulator.

Choose Western/Eastern Aircraft: before this version, all the aircraft were mixed in air bases. This was due the spirit of integrated international missions. Now you can choose if you want to run with just western or eastern airplanes, and the same for enemy aircraft. This way you can simulate real combat situations in different areas of the world.

Unknown weapons in enemy airplanes:
When friendly radar detects an enemy plane, normally you would be able to access to its data: weapons, fuel, etc. Now this is restricted; only planes that have been near an enemy airplane can see the type and number of weapons it carries.

Descriptions in campaigns:
When you are in campaign menus, you can choose a map area and then the mission you want to accomplish. But it was necessary to go to options to see the manual briefing. Now, when a mission is chosen, a brief description is displayed below the name of the mission, and a button at the bottom gives you access to the complete briefing. That way you can know exactly what you can expect from the mission before actually going in.

Split Air Groups:
Normally, when an air group is flying towards its target (bombers/attackers) with an air to ground mission, there is a button when you tap the air group to tell that air group to defend themselves (Self Defense button). If active, that group will defend from enemy fighters (if they have air to air weapons).

And, the most important: enemy AEW/AWACS. Until now enemy aircraft couldn’t track you. Now they can, because they have their own AEW/AWACS aircraft. So, if you activate the AWACS button in options menu, they will track you as soon as their AWACS are flying. You will notice this is in fact a new simulator when you activate the AWACS button.

The enemy AI will send their air forces to intercept your planes, while they try to avoid your fighters and concentrate on your bombers. But not always. For example, if you save a mission, follow the simulation, you’ll see some activity. If you reload that mission, the enemy won’t respond the same way. That way you can experiment different situations starting from the same one. Enjoy!

Device Requirements:
* Compatible with iPad
* Requires iOS 4.3 or later
* 191 MB

Pricing and Availability:
AWACS Tactical Simulator 2.03 is only $0.99 USD (or equivalent amount in other currencies) and available worldwide exclusively through the App Store in the Games category.

AWACS Tactical Simulator 2.03
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Screenshot (Naval Tactical Display System with enemy E-3)
Screenshot (Control Panels)
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The 69Th Spanish Squadron is a social group of fans created in 2003 for flying air combat simulators. We have an academy an some people dedicated to create hardware and software stuff. Copyright (C) 2013 69Th Spanish Combat Squadron. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, iPod and iPad are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.

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