Prague, Czech Republic – Software development company, TappyTaps has announced a Thanksgiving event sale for Baby Monitor 3G for both iOS and Mac. The Baby Monitor 3G app lets you hear every noise from your baby’s room, and you can even see live video, talk to, and soothe your child remotely. Past versions required two iOS devices: the first remained in the child’s room as the monitor unit, while the second remained with the parents; and, until now, the Mac could only be used as the parent device.

But, following feedback and requests from our customers, this new update of Baby Monitor 3G for Mac also lets you use your computer as a monitoring device. This gives you far greater flexibility and means you can check on your baby from an iPhone, iPad, iPad Touch, or even another Mac. This highly requested feature gives parents greater flexibility and even allows those without two iOS devices to use the app to its full potential.

To celebrate this update Baby Monitor 3G will be discounted for the whole of the Thanksgiving weekend.

From Thursday, 28th November to Sunday, 1th December, the Baby Monitor 3G will be on sale at the following prices:

Baby Monitor 3G for Mac: $0.99 (original price $4.99)
Baby Monitor 3G for iOS: $2.99 (original price $3.99)

With the Baby Monitor 3G, parents can:
* Rest or work while their baby sleeps – safe in the knowledge that they will hear every single noise from the child’s room
* See live video of their child – during the day, or at night, via the Night Light feature which makes it possible to view your baby whenever you need to
* Communicate – talk to and soothe your baby remotely

Other important features:
* Unlimited reach – thanks to Wi-Fi and cellular network support
* Reliability – the app is so simple to use and alerts can be configured to notify of any problems with the network connection
* Security – communication is encrypted by industry-standard SSL, so your communications stay secure

Supported Languages:
* US English, French, German and Czech

The Baby Monitor 3G for iOS is available exclusively in the iTunes App Store. The Mac version is sold separately in the Mac App Store.

Baby Monitor 3G
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Located in Prague, Czech Republic, TappyTaps is a software development company specializing in applications for mobile operating systems, including Apple iPhone, Google Android and Windows Mobile. The company was founded in 2009 by Jindrich and Jan Sarson, and markets 12 innovative products, so far. Copyright (C) 2009-2013 TappyTaps. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone and iPhoto are registered trademarks of Apple Computer in the U.S. and/or other countries. Android and Picasa are trademarks of Google, Inc. Windows is a trademark of Microsoft, Inc. Flickr is a trademark of Yahoo, Inc.

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