Middleburg Hts., Ohio – Grantwood Technology, makers of the popular TuneBand armband, and SimpleLight for Kindle, has announced the release of their new FM Transmitter. The FM Transmitter allows you to play any audio on your mobile device through your car stereo. Enjoy music from your personal collection, audiobooks from Amazon, and streaming audio from popular apps like Pandora and Spotify.

The FM Transmitter is compatible with any device with a standard headphone jack, including all iPhones and all Android phones and Windows Phones, iPads and Android tablets, iPods and other MP3 players, as well as Kindle FIre and Samsung Tablets. It also contains a USB port to allow you to charge the same device that is playing the audio, or charge a second device.

“We are pretty excited about this,” says James Simpson, the V.P. of Sales and Marketing for Grantwood, “Our initial version sold extremely well. We actually ran out of them. Based on feedback from our previous customers, we have made some significant improvements, including the ability to charge the device even the higher powered tablets/iPads.”

For the initial launch, the FM Transmitter is available online on Amazon and at the Grantwood Technology website. Later this year it will be available at traditional retail locations.

Grantwood Technology
FM Transmitter and Car Charger for Mobile Devices
Purchase on Amazon
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Grantwood Technology, LLC specializes in unique and functional iPod/iPhone/iPad/Kindle/Nexus One accessories and Mac accessories. We also are a database development and consulting service company, specializing in Filemaker Pro. Copyright 2013 Grantwood Technology, LLC. All Rights Reserved. QuickFlipCase, and tuneband are trademarks of Grantwood Technology, LLC. Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone and iPod are registered trademarks of Apple Computer in the U.S. and/or other countries. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

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