New Albany, Ohio – Royal Tern Software, Inc. today is proud to announce that its latest App, Intuition Score for iOS has become available worldwide, exclusively through the App Store in the Lifestyle Category. The App helps you to learn how you can focus and relax your mind so that the subconscious mind starts working for you at your request. This App trains your abilities to get a hunch from your subconscious mind at your request so you can use its full potential to help improve your choices and success factors in life.

Have you ever been in a situation where you had a strong hunch that some event is going to happen, such as a person is about to visit or call you, perhaps about a stock behaving in a certain way or that a person is interested in you and it turned out to be true? Every person has probably found himself or herself getting such hunches more than once in their lives, have been astonished when the event came true and wondered – How did that happen? Actually these are only a few everyday examples of your sub-conscious mind at work and guiding you. Most often, the decisions we make on a hunch or a sixth sense or funny feeling turn out to be right decisions. This is because they come from the subconscious mind which operates on a different level than the regular mind and has immense and infinite potential to give you the right decisions as a hunch or funny feeling.

The Intuition Score App may be the simplest App you might have ever used. Imagine that you are playing against an imaginary player who has picked and hidden one image from out of three images. Your job is to relax your mind and exercise your subconscious to pick the image you think will correctly match what the imaginary player has picked. A correct pick increased your intuition score which is a percentage of the total number of times you have picked a correct image. What is more, you can play the game endlessly and understand the way you feel whenever you made a right pick and practice getting into that relaxed state of mind again and again. The App keep track of your intuition score during the times of the day and the days of the week when you used the App and gives you a graphical analysis of how your intuition is working at various times of the day and days of the week. You can use this information to further improve your intuition skills. A high intuition score indicates that you are able to use your subconscious mind on request at that point in time.

* 26 different sets of colorful images to use for practicing your intuition skills
* Beautiful graphical chart of how your intuition skills are working on days of the week and hours of the day
* Data and analysis about when your intuition is working the best
* Nice Musical tones to enhance user experience

The mystery of intuition or funny feeling began a long long time back right at the beginning of earth. All animals and humans were gifted by nature with a sixth sense for survival. For example, after the devastating tsunami of 2004, relief and rescue personnel discovered something astonishing in the remote islands of Andaman and Nicobar. The primitive tribes living on the islands were relatively unaffected though most of them lived close by the ocean. These tribes moved to higher ground days before the tsunami came. So did most animals. How did the tribes know? The simple answer is they have a high degree of sixth sense or intuition and they used it to make a good decision which helped them survive.

Royal Tern Software Inc, dedicates the App to the awe inspiring legend of the late Paul the Octopus who correctly predicted the outcome of Germany’s seven matches during the 2010 FIFA Soccer World Cup. You may not believe it but you have it in you to do it too. Give it a try and challenge yourself to engage and summon your innate abilities because good intuition helps you make good decisions.

Language Support:
The current release is available in the following languages: English, Japanese, and Chinese.

Device Requirements:
* iPhone, iPad or iPod touch
* Requires iOS 5.0 for later
* Universal app optimized for display on all iOS devices
* 3.8 MB

Pricing and Availability:
Intuition Score 1.0 is available at the Tier 1 App pricing worldwide, exclusively through the App Store in the Lifestyle Category for all markets. In the USA it is available for 99 cents.

Intuition Score 1.0
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Royal Tern Software, Inc. is a Indie studio located in beautiful New Albany, Ohio. Copyright (C) 2011-2014 Royal Tern Software, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone and iPod are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries. Other trademarks and registered trademarks may be the property of their respective owners.

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