Asheville, North Carolina – KeynotePro today is pleased to announce the introduction of two new themes – Brighton and District for Keynote – as well as expanded support for iOS devices. Brighton is a curvaceous, deco-evoking Motion-Enhanced theme featuring a sea-side palette. District is a modern, print-inspired geometric design including two distinct palettes. iOS device support has been expanded with an iOS Quick-Launch feature on their website, enabling many of the most popular KeynotePro themes to be opened directly within Keynote for iOS without needing to first apply the theme on a Mac.

The Brighton theme includes 29 master slides – a mix of content and image-driven layouts. The core layouts encompass a full range of general-purpose styles, each making the most of color, motion and space, with Reverse layout masters providing a range of mirrored layout options optimized for Push/Cube transitions. Photo placements throughout are all single-image driven, a mix of the Brighton integrated style and more traditional inset alternates. The accompanying chart fills stand out while extending the calm and fluid Brighton palette.

The District themes are presented in two palettes, each including 29 master slides – a mix of content and image-driven layouts in the signature District styles. The core layouts feature a full range of general-purpose styles with color-contrast titles and content-driven layouts. Along with the basic text and photo layouts, District themes include an expanded selection of content-oriented masters – Compare & Contrast, Citation and multi-column slides. Photo placements are available in both color and neutral-accent integrated styles and a mix of single and multi-image split-layout styles, providing a range of fit and color balance options for media placement.

District and Brighton HD, available exclusively in the Pro Editions, expand their styles into HD format with aspect-optimized 16:9 and 16:10 versions of each theme.

iOS Quick-Launch enables the launch of many of the most popular KeynotePro themes directly to Keynote for iOS when on-the-go. Simply navigate to the “Your Account” area on from an iOS mobile device – a Launch to iOS link will open a new, blank presentation using the supported themes directly in Keynote for iOS, enabling presentations using the custom KeynotePro themes to be created on the go, even when away from a Mac. iOS Quick-Launch is available today for six of the most popular KeynotePro themes, with more coming soon.

Pricing and Availability:
Brighton and District Standard Editions are available for immediate download for $24.95 (USD) or in a Bundle with 2 other Standard Edition themes for $64.95 (USD). Pro Editions contains both Standard and HD themes (800×600 & 1024×768(4:3) standard versions, 1920×1080 and 1280×720(16:9) & 1680×1050(16:10) HD Versions), and are available for $34.95, or in a bundle with 2 other Pro Edition themes for $89.85. Brighton and District are both available for iOS Quick-Launch from within the Accounts area via iOS devices.

Brighton Screenshot
District Screenshot
iOS QuickLaunch and Expanded iOS Support

The KeynotePro site and themes are brought to you by The Walrus Group, an award-winning multi-disciplinary design firm headquartered in Asheville, North Carolina. You can find out more about the Walrus Group at our corporate website. Copyright 2013 KeynotePro. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iOS and Keynote are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.

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