Minneapolis, Minnesota – Mariner Software has acquired the popular applications MacGourmet, MacGourmet Deluxe, and MacGourmet Touch from Advenio, Inc. With this acquisition, Mariner is releasing a 4.0 version of MacGourmet Deluxe and MacGourmet. Additionally, MacGourmet Touch for iOS has been re-released as Gourmet iOS, which functions as a standalone or as a companion app, adding a free Cloud account for backup and syncing.

“Mariner and Advenio have been partners for a long time,” said Michael Wray, president of Mariner. “We both came to the conclusion that for the products to grow, a change was needed. Mariner is pleased about the additions to our product line. Plus, our relationship with Advenio will continue in one form or another, and we are equally pleased about that too.”

“I’ve been pretty much a ‘start-up’ type of developer, building companies and products up to a point,” said Michael Dupuis, founder of Advenio. “Mariner will be able to bring a fresh perspective as well as continued development to these products. It will give me a chance to work on new projects, something I’ve wanted to do for a while, and I’m excited about that.”

In addition to the acquisition, Mariner has released major updates to the desktop and iOS applications. MacGourmet Deluxe 4.0 is the newest version for the Mac having been changed from 32 bit to 64 bit architecture. The UI has been updated, and there are more ways of sharing, including Facebook and Twitter. The most significant change is the addition of cloud storage which will allow the user to transfer recipes between multiple Macs and iOS devices.

“With significant updates to the Mac application, the biggest improvement is the new iOS app,” said Wray. “This app works standalone and allows the user to create, edit, and scale recipes as well as import recipes from popular recipe websites. The new free cloud account provides full backup and syncing. Users can import, create, edit, and scale recipes in the app and then see those changes in the desktop app or on other iOS devices. Our customers can expect to see more changes in both products in the near future.”

Pricing and Availability:
MacGourmet Deluxe is available for sale and for trial from the Mariner Software website and various retail outlets and will sell for $49.95 USD. MacGourmet is also available for sale and for trial and will sell for $24.95. Minimum system requirements for MacGourmet and MacGourmet Deluxe is Mac OS 10.7 or higher. Gourmet iOS will be available from the iTunes App Store at at a special introductory offer of $1.99.

Mariner Software
MacGourmet Deluxe
Gourmet iOS
Download Trial Version

Mariner Software Inc, develops and republishes industry recognized Mac OS, iOS and Windows products. Founded in 1990, Mariner has established itself as a leader in the consumer, business, and education markets with such products as MacJournal, Mariner Write, Mariner Calc, MacGourmet Deluxe, StoryMill, Paperless for Mac, Paperless for Windows, WinJournal, MacJournal for iPad and iPhone, Mariner Calc for iPad and iPhone. For a complete listing of all products, visit the Mariner Software web site. With customers worldwide, Mariner is committed to delivering the highest quality software with an emphasis on total customer satisfaction. Copyright (C) 2013 Mariner Software Inc. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo and Mac OS X platforms are trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.

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