Pfaeffikon, Switzerland – Power APP today is proud to announce the release and immediate availability of Movie Player + 1.3.0, an update to their popular video app for iOS devices. Movie Player + is a powerful app that adds creative filters & special effects to any video in real-time. This upgrade includes an algorithm for face recognition using the internal camera of the iPhone/iPad iPod touch. The face recognition is used to detect the presence of the person watching a movie. If this person is moving away from the device that is playing the movie it stops automatically, and continues playing when the person returns.

“We already used a similar algorithm in our app ‘Wake Me Up’ to set off an alarm tone when the eyelids are closed. Since we already have this algorithm we decided to put in in use for other apps as well. It is the perfect tool for an autostop/autoplay feature.” explains christian Schaffner, General Manager of Power APP AG.

Besides the newly introduced autostop/autoplay feature Movie Player + features real time editing of movies on iOS devices, including sepia, vignettes, grey scale filters and a 3D effect with cyan/red glasses along with a tool to adjust contrast and brightness that Power APP calls OTBCC (which stands for ‘One Touch Brightness and Contrast Control’).

“While being able to edit any movie and adding effects in real time and saving the changes is actually a lot of fun, Movie Player + is still a movie player too. It is therefore important to add functions that enhance the experience while just watching a movie. You aren’t always in the mood to do crazy experiments like watching the latest episode of games of throne with night vision, sometimes you just want to enkoy a movie as it is. The autostop/autoplay function is just right to add a little comfort to that.” explains Christian Schaffner the motivation to implement face recognition in Movie Player +.

Main Features:
* Add effects to any movie in real time
* Autostop/Autoplay function
* One Touch Brightness and Contrast Control
* Head Up Display
* 3D effect with adjustable depth with red/cyan glasses
* Mirroring function
* Online streaming
* Pseudo Rotoscopic Filter and pixelation effects
* Direct downlaod

New Features in version 1.3.0:
* Autostop/Autoplay function with face recognition

Device Requirements:
* iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch
* iOS 6.0 or later
* 16.9 MB

Pricing and Availability:
Movie Player + 1.3.0 is available in the App Store in the Photo & Video Category Battery for $1.99 USD (or equivalent amount in other currencies).

Power App
Movie Player + 1.3.0
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Based in Pfaeffikon, Switzerland, Power App AG is an independent company founded in 2010 by Christian Schaffner. Power App’s main focus is developing powerful, versatile applications for the Mac and iOS platforms. Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Power App AG. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, Mac, iPhone, iPod, and iPad are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries. Other trademarks and registered trademarks may be the property of their respective owners.

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