Amsterdam, Netherlands – Today AssistiveWare(R) is thrilled to announce Pictello(TM) 2.0, a new release of its popular visual storytelling app for iOS. Leading the list of new features is video support and story sharing via AirDrop with iOS 7. Now kids using Pictello 2.0 can enhance their visual stories and talking photo albums with short video clips using the built-in camera on their iPhone, iPad or iPod touch or choose a video already available in their camera roll. Once complete they have one more way to share their Pictello stories with others using AirDrop, no wi-fi access needed!

“What I love about Pictello is that it has opened a whole new world to some of our students,” said Mary Pitt, Special Education Teacher at Black Mountain School. “We found a lot of creativity coming out of them that we actually didn’t realize was there showing the individuality of our students.”

Watch “Pictello Video: All their stories” showing boys at Black Mountain School in Australia using Pictello to create stories expressing their ingenuity and storytelling skills.

Pictello offers a fun way for people of all ages to create and share talking photo albums and stories. Localized in English, Spanish, French, German, Turkish and Dutch, Pictello users can tell their stories in a voice that is both age appropriate and natural sounding choosing from over 92 voices in 27 languages, including genuine Text to Speech children’s voices for American English, British English, Australian English and German. All voices, including amusing character voices, are available free of charge and can be downloaded from within the Pictello app.

Stories can be shared with friends, family, teachers, classmates, etc. via free Pictello Sharing Server, as PDF files via email or iTunes File Sharing, and now via AirDrop.

“We love that Pictello enables people all around the world to create and tell fun, engaging and imaginative stories,” said Cathy Kingeter, AssistiveWare Vice President of Marketing and Communications. “Adding support for video clips expands their story making capability in an entirely new dimension”.

Pictello 2.0 saves both photos and videos taken within the app to the device’s camera roll for quick and easy access in other apps. Also new is the ability to pause while recording audio in Expert Mode and support for iOS 7.

AssistiveWare is also the creator of, Proloquo2Go(R), an award-winning Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) application for iPad, iPhone and iPod touch.

Device Requirements:
* iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad
* Requires iOS 5.1 or later
* 302 MB

Pricing and Availability:
Pictello 2.0 is available for purchase exclusively on the App Store in the Education category for $18.99 (US), $19.99 (AU), Euro16.99 (EU) and GBP13.49 (UK). Prices vary in other countries. Pictello 2.0 is a free update to existing customers.

Pictello 2.0
Purchase and Download
Pictello Video (All their stories)
App Icon
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AssistiveWare(R), a leading innovator of assistive technology software for iOS and Mac OS X with over 125,000 customers worldwide, is committed to collaborating with the global community to make a difference in peoples lives. The company’s flagship product, Proloquo2Go(R), is an award-winning Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) application for iPad, iPhone and iPod touch that provides a voice for people who have difficulty speaking or cannot speak at all. Founded in 2000, AssistiveWare was the first company to deliver universal access to Mac OS X with its award-winning KeyStrokes(TM) on-screen keyboard and the first to create genuine children’s Text to Speech voices together with Acapela Group. Focused on its vision to empower people through innovative technology, AssistiveWare offers a wide-range of assistive technology products and services. All Material and Software (C) Copyright 2013 AssistiveWare B.V. All Rights Reserved. All other trademarks and trade names are the property of their respective owners.

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