Richmond, Virginia – Binary Formations is proud to announce the availability of Chore-inator 1.1. This release adds support for the iPhone and iPod touch as a Universal app. Chore-inator for the iPad was released in January and was a Best New App pick on the App Store in the Productivity category. Binary Formations will be available to show Chore-inator to members of the media at the Macworld/iWorld Pre-Show Innovation Showcase on March 26 and will be spotlighting Chore-inator at the Macworld/iWorld Expo March 27-29th.
Chore-inator is a powerful, yet simple app to do what every parent wants to do: spend less time managing the household while teaching their children discipline and motivation for a job well done.
Children use Chore-inator to see their daily chore assignments, mark them as complete, share photos of their work (proof photos), and claim rewards based on the number of stars they have earned. Parents use Chore-inator to view the status of each child’s chores, view the proof photos of the child’s completed chores, and approve or deny claimed rewards and allowances.
What’s New With Chore-Inator 1.1?
* Chore-inator is now a Universal app and supports the iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. No need to purchase separate versions for the iPhone/iPod touch and iPad.
* Is your child an overachiever? If so, add bonus chores to their schedule. Bonus chores are optional chores that can be completed to earn additional stars and/or allowance.
* Floating chores bring new flexibility to chore scheduling by letting you create chores that can be completed at any time during the week instead of just on specific days.
* Choose which side of the screen to put the navigation bar. This makes single-handed use a breeze on the iPhone or iPod touch, whether you are left-handed or right-handed.
What Makes Chore-Inator So Special?
* Chore-inator’s simple to use, visually engaging interface makes prominent use of photos for children, chores, and rewards, making it ideal for toddlers on up to teens.
* Parents can see which chores have and have not been completed, any allowances that are due, and rewards that have been claimed in one simple, easy to digest view.
* Children have the ability to take photos of their work and share them through the app so parents can see their accomplishments. Even when away from the home, parents can keep an eye on their children’s progress.
* Chore assignments can be set to automatically rotate among multiple children, eliminating the need for weekly updates to the chore schedule.
If your are in the San Francisco area March 26-29th, makes sure to stop by and visit Binary Formations at the Pre-Show Innovation Showcase or in the Appalooza at Macworld/iWorld for a first hand look at Chore-inator and their other Mac and iOS apps.
Device Requirements:
* iPad, iPhone, iPod touch
* Requires iOS 6.1 or later
* 10.2 MB
Pricing and Availability:
Chore-inator 1.1 is available for $3.99 (USD) in the App Store in the Productivity category. If you wish to know more about Chore-inator, please visit our media page below for a Reviewer’s Guide and Press Kit.
Chore-inator 1.1
Purchase and Download
Screenshot (Chore board)
Screenshot (Child’s Chores)
Icon and Logo
Reviewer’s Guide and Press Kit
Virginia-based Binary Formations is a family run software design and development company specializing in applications for the Mac, iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. They are the creators of Home Inventory, a Mac App Store Best of 2013 and Apple Editors’ Choice. Home Inventory is recognized as the most complete home inventory management solution for the Mac and is used by homeowners, collectors, and inventory professionals worldwide. All of their apps, including Chore-inator, start with a personal need in their own family. Copyright (C) 2014 Binary Formations, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, Mac, iPhone, iPod and iPad are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.