Devon, United Kingdom – App Developer Rory Buckley announces version 1.1 of his popular sleep sounds app for iOS. This latest version includes improvements to both the visual and audio side of the app. Since its release, the Sleep Sounds app has had much success, with many thousands of people using it as an important role in their daily relaxation or sleeping routine.

During the update process, Rory Buckley was keen to refresh the main appearance of the app. Users updating will see a new, more vibrant & clear UI. One noteworthy addition to the visual side has to be the rain animation that is triggered every time a user selects a rain or storm sound. On the audio side of things, Rory had a huge amount of feedback from version 1.0 & decided to apply his most popular requested sound changes into the app. This included finely tuning many of the sounds to be softened & enhanced for a much improved user experience.

Having as much contact as possible with his users is always a top priority in Rory Buckley’s eyes. He strongly depends on his general user feedback with this app in particular, as many users of the app do depend strongly on the overall general functionality being precise to their needs. To strengthen this user bond, a built-in app support feature has been added to the app, with direct contact to the developer himself – this can be in the form of a chat box within the app, or through the traditional email route.

The Sleep Sounds app has had a strong first few months since the initial release. With much attention being given both from the development & user side of things, the popularity and presence of this app is almost certain to grow.

Device Requirements:
* iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch
* Requires iOS 6.0 or later
* 93.6 MB

Pricing and Availability:
Sleep Sounds 1.1 is Free and available worldwide exclusively through the App Store in the Health & Fitness category.

Sleep Sounds 1.1
Download from iTunes
Vimeo Video (Demo)
Screenshot (iPhone)
Screenshot (iPad)
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Rory Buckley is an app user and blogger turned app developer. He understands what it takes to make a great app and is driven by his passion to create quality, unique products. Copyright (C) 2014 Rory Buckley. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, iPod and iPad are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.

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