Puchheim, Germany – Boinx Software has just released a major update to its premier slideshow creation tool, FotoMagico 4.4. The latest update brings considerable improvements to the underlying system, resulting in a markedly better user experience. Among many enhancements, FotoMagico 4.4 now features six-times faster export, better color accuracy, smoother transitions and much more. “This update to FotoMagico is not about fancy new features; it’s about improving the platform and preparing for the future,” states Oliver Breidenbach, CEO, Boinx Software. “This is the most significant update to version 4 yet. While you might not realize the changes at first glance, they won’t go unnoticed once you dive into creating your slideshow.”

FotoMagico 4.4 Updates Include:
* Export has been completely overhauled to provide up to six-times faster export, better color accuracy and better quality for H.264 and Apple ProRes formats
* FotoMagico 4.4 is compatible with OS X Mavericks
* Modern 64-bit Architecture makes working with large slideshows with many slides and videos a breeze
* Transition from QuickTime to AV Foundation improves video playback and enables smoother transitions between slides
* Now supports legacy video formats via automatic conversion to modern formats
* Use the “c” key during video playback to separate a video clip into multiple consecutive clips for easier video editing of long videos

Watch the FotoMagico 4.4 webinar and get an in-depth look at the latest update from the creator himself, Peter Baumgartner, and Boinx Software’s video expert, Bastian Wolfle.

FotoMagico 4.4 Pricing and Availability
FotoMagico 4.4 is available now as a free update for existing v4 users or from the Boinx Website for 99.99 USD. It is pending approval in the Mac App Store and will be available shortly.

Members of the media are invited to review FotoMagico 4.4. For more information, please contact Anya Oskolkova.

About FotoMagico
FotoMagico, winner of two coveted Apple Design Awards, is the gold standard in slideshow apps, made exclusively for the Mac. FotoMagico, used by thousands of professional and amateur photographers around the world, allows you to create customized slideshows, mixing photos with movies and audio, for a storytelling effect like none other. FotoMagico brings your photos to life and keeps your audience at the edge of their seats.

Boinx Software
FotoMagico 4.4
Webinar: What’s New in FotoMagico 4.4
Media Assets

Boinx Software Ltd. is located in Puchheim, near Munich, Germany. Boinx Software develops award-winning animation, video production and photography software for the Mac platform and iOS devices including the iPhone, iPad and iPod. All Material and Software (C) Copyright 2013 Boinx Software Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, Macintosh, and Mac OS X are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.

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