Bhavnagar, India – These holidays, do think about it. Seriously. If you are on a tour, you are most likely to visit a theme park, a night club, or a sanctuary. And if all of these are unavailable, a museum, probably. Being the custodian of the most beautiful and creative treasures of art, science and everything else, nothing in this world needs more attention than our great Museums. The result? Your grandchildren won’t even know museums existed. 5000 years of human history will soon be extinct. That is, if we don’t learn about it now.

It is time to take your kids to the Museum of Museums – a place where all Museums could be looked at, dived into, explored, and enjoyed. But wait, there already is a Wikipedia where all this information is available. Quite true, but so is true for theory of relativity, too. It takes lot of time for even a die-hard enthusiast to excavate it fully to serve her curiosity, let alone the newbie souls (or worse, students).

iPhoneGameZone is proud to announce the release of World Museums 3.0 for iOS, an app that brings the most exciting set of Museums from across the world at your fingertips – on your iPhones and iPads. The source of this data is Wikipedia, but the presentation is quite like a Museum. Leisurely read about them, browse their websites, browse their flickr collections, share them with your friends via email, Facebook, and Twitter – all on your iPhone and iPad.

And if you love any of them, find it out on the map and pay it a visit! World Museums aims to do much more than that to all Museums across the world. The best thing about this app is that you can consume them offline, too, once downloaded.

That makes it the best tool to surprise your children with daily dose of new Museums, their artifacts, and the epic history of the world. What’s more, you could bring it to the classroom with same ease to awe your students. With offline access, World Museums makes a great educational and homeschooling tool. It’s not only the Museums that need visitors. Our next generation deserves a better history, too.

Language Support:
* English, French, German, Spanish and Portuguese

World Museums 3.0 is available for free on the iTunes App Store. A premium version allows access to all Wikipedia Museums from which you could download up to 50 at a time. (If you want figures, English wikipedia alone has 2000+ Museums listed till date).

World Museums 3.0
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iPhoneGameZone was founded to create apps that aim not to mimic the real world practices, but to innovate them for better experience and better quality of life. Copyright (C) 2013 iPhoneGameZone. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, iPod and iPad are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.

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