New York City, New York – The Dive Into Yoga app for iPhone that has become the favored tool for yoga enthusiasts nationwide was featured this week on ABC News by technology expert and journalist Francie Black. Black, host of ABC’s 13’s news show App Chat, shared her high marks for the app on August 15, 2013 when introducing viewers to Dive Into Yoga developed by Christine Martitz, internationally acclaimed yoga expert and teacher.
Black especially was impressed that the app could be used without a Wi-Fi or other connection, that the instructional videos were produced by a professional, that the exercise pace was set for normal yoga participants, and that app allowed users to customize their workouts.
“Out of hundreds of yoga apps I found Dive into Yoga which allows you to run the app offline, has videos instead of just stills, and has a professional instructor who also has incorporated her very successful yoga instructional DVD into the app so anyone can immediately harvest the benefits of yoga,” says Black. Host of the ABC WLOS 13’s App Chat news show in Ashville, NC, Francie Black is an independent technology consultant, writer, trainer, and on-air talent for ABC News. Her technology show can be viewed at
The 26 high-quality videos in Dive Into Yoga feature Christine demonstrating yoga postures plus a breathing exercise.
Rather than using still shots, as most yoga apps do, Martitz uses the power of video to demonstrate in real time the postures that will elevate you to the next level of mind, body and spirit to being about wellness, fitness and contentment with self.
In addition to fitness and well-being, Dive into Yoga will help the user control their cholesterol levels, reduce weight, normalize blood pressure, and improve cardiac performance.
Martitz, who began practicing yoga at age 11, has been a multi-lingual yoga instructor for 25 years. She was first encouraged to incorporate her expertise into an instructional DVD by the late Helen Gurley Brown, highly acclaimed and beloved author, publisher and editor.
Helen Gurley Brown took private yoga lessons in her home from Martitz once a week for 13 years. Gurley Brown benefited so much from that instruction that she not only urged Martitz to produce an instructional DVD, but also insisted on recording the introduction.
The DVD was produced by 3 time Emmy Winner David Seeger who works for all the major networks and is about to come out with his own show. David Seeger is the CEO of Today Video Inc., where he has been working with Beyonce, Justin Bieber, Bon Jovi and Britney Spears, Justin Timberlake, Cee Lo Green, Charlie Sheen and Jeremy Irons, to name a very few.
Following the success of the DVD, a friend read about apps in the Apple magazine and insisted that a yoga app was the next logical step for Martitz in spreading the benefits of yoga to far more people and to make it easy for anyone to do yoga each day in their home and while traveling.
The Dive into Yoga app that resulted can now be found in the Apple Store for iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. Following an update the app was retooled for Android to expand its availability. The app for Android 2.1 and higher was updated in July 2013. The Dive into Yoga DVD and app is available on the company website.
“The down to earth teaching style I use in the app will allow you to enhance your yoga practice,” says Martitz, “and get the feeling of a yoga vacation or retreat in the comfort of your own home and become a healthier you in the process.”
Martitz says the app is especially useful because it contains 26 poses in video format but has the ability to view just one clip so the user can study a particular pose. Playing all the clips will produce an amazing workout, and users can also customize their own yoga set by selecting clips and saving them to a set. The app is available in English and/or German language versions.
Martitz, who currently teaches in New York City, has taught yoga in English, German and Spanish throughout Europe, Asia, North and South America. In the summer Christine teaches private and group yoga classes in the Hamptons. In addition to having been the private yoga instructor for Helen Gurley Brown, Martitz provides yoga training to several other celebrities. She is also a scuba diver and has competed in three New York City Marathons. The Dive into Yoga app is being promoted by Scott Lorenz of Westwind App Publicity.
A certified yoga instructor for 25 years, Christine Martitz has offered classes in English, German, and Spanish throughout Europe, Asia, North and South America. She now offers classes in New York City, and spends summers offering private lessons and group training in the Hamptons. She provides private and group lessons to anyone who contacts her after visiting her website. Martitz is also a scuba diver and an accomplished athlete who has competed in three New York City Marathons. Martitz has been featured by numerous media outlets including Harper’s Bazaar and multiple times in Germany’s Fit For Fun, SHAPE and YOGA AKTUELL as well as in FOCUS and can also be seen daily on Judge Judy doing yoga in Central Park before they blend back into the court room.
Francie Black is a technology consultant, writer, trainer, and project manager for ABC News as well as host of App Chat. For more information on Dive Into Yoga and other apps you can subscribe to Francie Black’s iPadWisdom eNewsletter. Send an email with “subscribe” in the subject line to Tune in for ABC WLOS-TV App Chat every Wednesday on News 13 at Noon. Before joining ABC, Black served as President at GroceryStreet, eBusiness Consultant at Volvo Construction Equipment, and as Senior Consultant at Superior Construction. Black has served as manager of internet development for a Fortune 100 company, as director of product development for a venture capital fund internet startup, and as senior management consultant for a large firm. Black earned an MBA from Pepperdine University and a BS in Business from University of North Carolina at Charlotte.
Device Requirements:
* iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad
* Requires iOS 3.1.3 or later
* 346 MB
Pricing and Availability:
Dive into Yoga 1.2 is $3.99 USD (or equivalent amount in other currencies) and available worldwide exclusively through the App Store in the Health & Fitness category.
Dive into Yoga 1.2
Purrchase and Download
App Icon
A certified yoga instructor for 25 years, Christine Martitz has offered classes in English, German, and Spanish throughout Europe, Asia, North and South America. She now offers classes in New York City, and spends summers offering private lessons and group training in the Hamptons. She provides private and group lessons to anyone who contacts her after visiting her website. Martitz is also a scuba diver and an accomplished athlete who has competed in three New York City Marathons. Martitz has been featured by numerous media outlets including Harper’s Bazaar and multiple times in Germany’s Fit For Fun, SHAPE and YOGA AKTUELL as well as in FOCUS and can also be seen daily on Judge Judy doing yoga in Central Park before they blend back into the court room. All Material and Software (C) Copyright 2013 Christine Martitz. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, iPod and iPad are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries. Other trademarks and registered trademarks may be the property of their respective owners.