There’s only a handful of things worse then finding a brand new shiny app that you just purchased with hard-earned dollars in the free section. Avoid disappointments and stop paying for apps with Appoday.

As the name heavily implies, Appoday, gives away an app per day so you don’t have to spend money on it. Its that simple. All the great, top paid apps by big names like Ubisoft, are made free for one day so you can grab it when its free. So what’s the catch? There really is no catch here, except that you have to have Appoday to use it. Check back everyday to discover an app that went free for that day, tap download, and its yours. Free. Today (September 11, 2012), the big news is that that Ubisoft’s MotoHeroz is free, so go and grab that one while its still free and avoid the $1 dollar fee after today. Seriously, how is this possible, you might be wondering. Well, the very brief explanation is that its good for everyone. You get a free app. The developers get a significant boost in new users and increased exposure, and Appoday gets its share somewhere along the way. Everybody wins, and you get a free app.

Yes, I know that theres plenty of “free-app-a-day” apps out there that feature more then one app a day and you can get more then one free app each day. But really, that’s a little too much in my opinion. Unless you’re a “professional iOS gamer” you have absolutely zero life, there is no reason you need 12 new free games each day. Besides, Appoday looks amazing, the interface the one of the best I’ve seen in an iOS app and its just a pleasure to use. Its a very focused app, rather then trying to be too many things at once. It does one thing – offer a free app a day – and it does it very well. And for this reason, I prefer Appoday over many others.

Check out Appoday for iPhone on the App Store!

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