Screen Shot 2013-12-23 at 10.28.14 AMKeyboard shortcuts. They can be a daunting at times, with so many combinations to remember, for the average user it can simply be not worth the effort of remembering. Luckily, there’s a new app on the App Store that will help ease your memory.

Custom Control Pad for iOS is the solution to complicated keyboard shortcuts and improved efficiency when it comes to working with complex software like Final Cut Pro, Photoshop and even games. What is Custom Control Pad, you might be wondering? Custom Control Pad is essentially a “game controller” for your computer that you can customize and personalize to your heart’s content because as the name suggests, it is highly customizable. You can change and alter everything from layout to the functionality of your controls. The idea is rather simply. To replace the complicated keyboard shortcuts and combination, you will create button layouts on your iOS device. You will then connect your iDevice to your computer via a small, free server utility for Mac or PC. After you’re all hooked up, you’ll be able to simply tap on the controls laid out on your iPhone or iPad to perform the same functions as the equivalent keyboard shortcuts. So, for example, if you’re working with Photoshop, you’ll be able to assign a button to each tool pallette and simply tap the corresponding button to use it. This is much easier then remembering that “V” is move, “B” is brush and so on.

Overall, the concept behind Custom Control Pad is brilliant. It’s a great idea that can prove to be extremely popular. The only issue I’ve had with Custom Control Pad is setting up the server for Mac and PC. Once you’re up an running, its a breeze but setting everything up so its working properly can be a somewhat complex problem especially for non-tech-savvy. I find that ironic as the primary market for Custom Control Pad would be less tech-savvy individuals who will have the hardest time getting started with the software. Other than that, Custom Control Pad is great and there’s a free version available if you decide to take it for a spin.

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