Drawing on the iPad used to suck, primarily due to lack of software support for powerful tools. In the recent years it’s been becoming increasingly better and today, we’re taking a look at one of those advances.
Drawing Box Pro is an extremely powerful toolbox that allows you to make the most of the iPad’s hardware and create masterpieces. With Drawing Box Pro, the tools you’ll find are quite similar to what you’ll find a desktop-quality application like Photoshop. With a single tap, you can change the brush or pencil style, color, and even change layers. With this multi-layer support, the app supports extremely powerful ability to create compositions and overlays. The tools aren’t everything, though. Without the right drawing algorithms, the tools are useless. Luckily, Drawing Box Pro is amazing at that as well. The drawing and painting experience is smooth, lag-free and extremely fast. Especially on older iPads. This application has all the right tools for your artistic needs.
Overall, I thought Drawing Box Pro was an amazing value. It’s free to download and offers in-app upgrades with a free trial for the pro version. With a single payment you’ll gain access to sophisticated tools, more brushes and even more powerful features. Even without the additional purchase, Drawing Box Pro provides enough power for the amature artist in you. My one complaint, however, is that the UI can be a little slow to tap and respond. While the drawing itself is seamless, using the toolbars and selecting brushes can be somewhat delayed. Aside from that, Drawing Box Pro is amazing tools that every artist should take for a test drive.