Ludo PlayspaceBoard games can be a whole ton of fun. Of course it depends on who’s playing and what game is being played. Ludo PlaySpace, however, lets you play a cool board game with your friends wherever they are and whenever you want to.

Ludo PlaySpace is essentially like the classic board game called Trouble. If you remember this phenomenal game then you know exactly how intense it can get. Ludo PlaySpace has the same principles with several variations to the rules. There are a maximum of 4 and a minimum of 2 players on the board. Each player will start with 4 pawn that they move according to the number they roll with the dice. In Ludo PlaySpace you get two dice so you make two turn for every roll. The objective is to go around the board, send your opponents home and make your way to the center. Unlike Trouble, Ludo PlaySpace has safe-zones where anyone can land without being sent home. This is possible because the board allows two pawns for each square. This also means that you can block your opponents in and not let them pass if you have two pawns in one space.

What’s great about Ludo PlaySpace is that you will automatically be matched up with a player who is looking for a game so if you’re in a hurry to play, you don’t have to wait long. Alternatively, Ludo PlaySpace also allows you to make matches with your friends that you can invite via Facebook. Also, keep in mind, that this is not a turn-based game like DrawSomething so you actually have to sit through the entire game. While technically it isn’t necessary, you will lose the coins and forfeit the game if you do.

All in all, I found Ludo PlaySpace to be quite enjoyable especially if you are someone who enjoys a good board game. Nothing can replicate a great physical board game, but this comes close to doing it on your iOS device. I did, however, find it a little small and hard to navigate on the iPhone. The iPad doesn’t have that problem and if you have the choice, I would recommend getting Ludo PlaySpace for iPad instead.

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2 Responses to Ludo PlaySpace for iOS – App Review

  1. Heather says:

    Hi there why do my coins keep disappearing I about 1000 coins have just gone I am sick of buying them then have them taken of me and I am not even playing what is going on.

  2. Jack Smith says:

    Ludo … My favourite Childhood Game. Happy to haer this gamme app on my iPhone. I even have the Circus game that was very famous game in video game in our chilhood time.

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