Screen Shot 2016-04-09 at 10.48.49 AMMath can be a daunting subject for any child, especially with a modern stigma that math is hard and rarely applicable to professional careers. While this is completely false, it can be difficult for kids to see math in a different light – until now.

Zap Zap Math is a fun, interactive and playfully animated educational game for iOS that aims to help kids of all ages enjoy math and strengthen their abilities to solve simple and relatively complex mathematical problems. The premise behind Zap Zap Math is to turn ordinary, boring, computational-style exercise into fun, game-based tasks that upon successful completion collection stars, experience points and other visual rewards. The game appeals to kids of all ages and cognitive abilities. When launching the app for the first time it will prompt the player to choose a playful name, select an avatar and indicate their age to more accurately configure the difficulty of math problems. After the initial setup, a universe of math problems becomes available to the player and various categories of math problems and games. Each game has “real life” problems that the player must solve like loading the correct number of people on a ship, or accurately calculating the number of cells. Problems gradually increase in difficulty and provide plenty of growth potential.

Overall, Zap Zap Math is the best educational math app that I’ve seen on iOS. It is incredibly easy to use for kids and has tons of animations, sound effects and interactions. More importantly, though, it offers an amazing opportunity for kids to expand their appreciation for math and the problems it’s able to solve not only conceptually, but in real-life applications as well. Zap Zap Math for iOS is simply a must have if your kids are between ages 3 and 16.

Check out Zap Zap Math for iOS on the App Store!
Check out Zap Zap Math for iOS on the Google Play Store!

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