If you love travelling, then you’ll remember all those times that you spent planning out where you’re gonna go, how long you’re gonna spend there and the like. Fortunately, if you own a Mac, you have access to an app called Travel Route Planner.
With Travel Route Planner you can visually map out your journey, and even calculate how much gas you would spend if you’re driving. The app is, in fact, very simple and that is more-or-less all of its functionality. First, you’ll start off by creating a trip. Click the newly created trip to jump into it and start adding destination points. Once added, a destination point will appear on the map on the right side of the screen with a pin showing its location. You can add more points and Travel Route Planner will calculate travel time (which I’m assuming is based on the Google API) and also gas consumed which is based on the MPG information you enter, and the distance between two points (which would also come from Google).
Overall, the app is acceptable, but there are some issues. First, it is very difficult to add a point and changing it is still a mystery to me. If you’re using Google Maps online dragging your route if one of the coolest and most useful features for modifying the route. Unfortunately, with Travel Route Planner modifying the route is more challenging and you can’t even enter an address. You simply have to estimate it on the map. The idea of the application is really good, but the implementation, in my opinion, could use some work. With some performance improvements Travel Route Planner could be a really awesome application.
Check out Travel Route Planner for Mac on the Mac App Store!