Another awesome game is now available as a free download thanks to App-o-Day, a provider of top high-quality games at the amazing price of zero dollars. Check out today’s hit – Office Master: Backstab.
Office Master: Backstab is an extremely fast-paced game that takes your through the cartoon world of office politics and helps you stab a few backs along the way. The gameplay is wack-a-mole style and can get really challenging at times. With tons of power ups, character and constant flow of new things to unlock, Office Master: Backstab will keep you busy for as long as you let it.
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Features Include:
✓ A twist on the classic whac-a-mole game
✓ 7 unique characters to choose from
✓ 2 exclusive skills for each character
✓ 18 distinct levels with amazing backdrops
✓ 4 difficulty modes to overcome
✓ 6 special bosses with exquisite game-play
✓ 26 achievements, trophies and plaques
✓ Leaderboards and achievements via Game Center
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